KDP Resources
- Login to the KDP.
- In the 'Create a New Title' block, tap on the + Paperback to get started. (Yellow circle below.)
- This will take you to the first one of 3 tabs called, Paperback Details.
Paperback details
Paperback Details
- Language (English)
- Book Title (This cannot be changed/edited)
- Series (optional and not applicable)
- Edition Number (optional and not applicable)
- Author name (Your name as it is spelled on the book)
- Contributors (optional - can add later and change)
- Book Description (This can be changed/edited)
- Publishing rights (You hold worldwide publishing rights)
- Keywords (optional - can add later and change)
- Categories (juvenile fiction)
- large print check box (check this box)
- Adult content check box
Paperback Content
Paperback Content
Note that once approved, you can still make changes. If you make changes, you will need to go through the Book Preview process again.)
- ISBN number (Free from Amazon or enter your own ISBN, wait for a few seconds to confirm w/Bowker)
- Publication Date (The publication date will be automatically added)
- Print Options - Ink and Paper Type (color on white paper),
- Print Options -Trim Size (Select different size, 8.5x8.5),
- Print Options -Bleed Setting (Select Bleed),
- Print Options -Cover Finish (Select matte or gloss, I usually go with matte as gloss tends to curl with changes in humidity)
- Upload Manuscript (tap upload button, select interior.pdf from download folder, tap the Open button to begin file upload. It will take a couple minutes for the file to be processed once it is uploaded successfully.)
- Upload Cover - Select Upload a Cover Already Created (then tap Upload Cover button, select cover.pdf from download folder, tap the Open button to begin file upload. It will take a couple minutes for the file to be processed once it is uploaded successfully.)
- Book Preview Tap the button to initiate the Preview. Please double-check and if everything appears in order. Tap the approve button. KDP will advance you to the 3rd and final tab.
Note that once approved, you can still make changes. If you make changes, you will need to go through the Book Preview process again.)
Paperback Rights and Pricing
Paperback Rights and Pricing
- Territories (Worldwide rights)
- Pricing and Royalties - Primary market(Amazon.com) List Price (Usually recommend $9.95)
- Request proof - A proof is a copy of the book with a “Not for Resell” stripe around the cover. I recommend to go ahead and publish the book. When it goes live, order author’s copies ($3.65 ea.) If changes are required, we can make them at that time. Otherwise, you are all set to announce the book is live on Amazon.
- Big Yellow Publish Button (tap to publish)